Saturday, August 2, 2008

My last week of freedom

Today marks the start of the last week of my enforced vacation, ie one more week of unemployment before I start a new job. I wonder how I'll go - it's been a long while since I worked 5 days a week & I wonder how I'll get up to catch public transport, dress to impress and generally organise myself around a job once again. I've really enjoyed being unemployed in a way. I've had time to myself, been going to gym, frequented all the Ivanhoe cafes, caught up on my reading and generally had a very nice time without worrying about the clock. It's a pity I need some money to fund my lifestyle - modest as it is.

1 comment:

YPRL said...

Thanks for joining the Web 2.0 program, Hope you enjoy the activites. I look forward to reading your blog.